Heal Your PCOS

in 6 weeks
without dieting and working out harder

✔️Combat Sugar Cravings...so that you can lose the weight for
good with nourishing foods.
✔️Stop being hungry all the time because of restrictive dieting.
✔️Fix your cycle...so that you can have pain free periods that are regular.
✔️Get your energy back and feel like yourself again.

Learn the strategies that will help you
THRIVE and not just SURVIVE each month.

 ""I recently took a class that she put together with a focus on PCOS after trying to figure it out on my own. She provides a wealth of information from a ton of sources to help you understand what is going on and how small changes you make can have an impact. She is also very accessible to help answer questions throughout so you don't get overwhelmed. It was super helpful to get brands of products throughout the house to try that are more natural as well as recipes that are cleaner. I appreciate the time and effort Dr. Jen and Elise put into this class." 

Jessica, recent Masterclass participant

What if you knew how to manage your symptoms?

Without trying a thousand diets and restricting foods you love.

Receiving a diagnosis of PCOS and not knowing where to start can feel overwhelming, to say the least! And you have been dealing with symptoms for so long...

Stubborn weight gain that won't budge.
No matter how much you exercise or how little you eat, it never seems to change.
And your doctor and friends just tell you to work out more and eat less but that is not helping either.

Painful periods that come and go as they please.
They come maybe 3 times a year. Shouldn't they be once a month?

Scars from cystic acne.
You have tried every product recommended but the acne never clears. You just want to stop covering up with makeup.

Frustrating digestive issue that are not quite right.

Bloating or pain after you eat anything. It seems as though you alternate between diarrhea and constipation.  You know something isn't quite right but others are saying it is not related to PCOS.

Those Awful Mood Swings 

You feel like a slave to your moods. Up and down all the time, keeping you from feeling like yourself.

And you are tired of feeling anxious all the time. It keeps  you awake at night.  And then you are tired all day.
What if you could just feel like YOU!

And YOU feel like you have tried everything....

-Birth control pills

-Keto Diet
-Gluten Free
-Low Carb

-Fancy supplements
-Countless Doctor's visit
-Personal Trainer
-Dietitian visits
-Expensive electrolysis
-Expensive facials

4 Myths Busted

There is so much misinformation out there about what you can and can't eat with PCOS. 


Eat Low Carb

You need a balance of macronutrients, including carbs. It is about finding out how many carbs and what carbs work to balance your blood sugars. We will help you with that.


YOu just need to lose weight

It is not about weight loss! Balancing your hormones comes first. When you balance your hormones by addressing insulin resistance and lowering your androgens, you will lose weight. 


You can't eat dairy or gluten

Gluten free and dairy free are not for everyone. If they cause digestive symptoms or inflammation then eliminate them. But this is not for every woman with PCOS.


one size fits all

There is no one protocol for every woman with PCOS. The protocol that is right for you addresses your specific drivers, your symptoms, and your body. I believe every woman should have an individualized plan that works for them.

Imagine it now..

  • No longer needing to be a slave to your moods or hormones! 
  • Having clear skin that you don’t even need make-up to conceal or smooth out! All-natural, All You. Grinning and Glowing with Confidence! 
  • Your hair is healthy and growing where and how you want it; a scalp full with the luscious thick locks you desire while you're no longer sprouting hair in other embarrassing places.
  • Being able to point on the calendar to the exact day you need to be prepared for your Aunt Flow and having her come without all the extra pain and drama! 
  • All that stubborn weight you’ve been trying to get rid of for years finally coming off without having to starve yourself or eat like a bird! 
  • FINALLY seeing that little pink or blue line you’ve been hoping and praying for! 

I can help you make this happen


Heal Your PCOS

6 Weeks of course material you can do at your own pace
from my signature course, Heal Your PCOS.
Recorded Cooking Demos.
Monthly Live Coaching Calls on ZOOM with an OB/GYN and Nutritionist
to ask all your questions.
Bonus videos from personal trainers, chefs, etc!
PCOS specific Meal Plans – to get you started and make it easy!
Recipes with only the best foods to eat for PCOS.

What IS Included in this class?

Course Curriculum

Meet Dr. Jen

 I'm an OB/GYN with over a decade of women's health experience. I am also trained in integrative medicine.

    As a former sufferer of PCOS and hypothyroidism, I have been on the hormone roller coaster. From digestion issues to fatigue, to hair loss, to brain fog and infertility, I have been there.  Even as a doctor, I was blown off by doctors who said your labs are normal. But I knew something was wrong, it had been 18 months and no baby. I decided to ignore the conventional wisdom, and find the answers myself.    

I spent countless hours diving into nutrition and mind-body medicine. I learned how the gut is connected to hormone health. And medications like the birth control pill can wreak havoc on our bodies by masking symptoms.    

 I started finding out what foods work for me and my body. Instead of starving myself and working out more. Now, I spend my time listening to my body, and helping other women do the same.

Meet Elise - Registered Dietitian

 I am a registered dietitian with a master of science degree in nutritional sciences and the founder of The Flourished Table, an online nutrition coaching and consulting business.

The world of nutrition and cooking is confusing. It can be difficult to even know where to start. As a food lover and registered dietitian, I have a passion for helping make nutrition easy and enjoyable.

I believe that enjoying your food is just as important as the nutrients in it.  I help people to use the power of food to live healthier lives without having to restrict delicious foods.  

Just like there is no one size fits all plan to heal your PCOS, the same goes for nutrition. There is no one size fits all nutrition plan. My goal is to teach you how you can eat in a way that supports your hormones, includes foods you enjoy AND seamlessly fits into your lifestyle.

There is no one perfect way to everybody eat, we just have to find the way that is right for you.  

Meet Emma - PCOS Personal Trainer

As a woman with PCOS I understand that for many of us this condition can play a frustrating and discouraging part in our lives. But I believe it doesn’t have to be that way.

As a National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer, I also understand fitness for PCOS is not simply about appearance. It’s one of the tools that can help change our inner narratives toward healing and self-celebration. It aids us in seeing the beauty we are today instead of feeling like we have to hide. And through this we are able to live happier, more satisfying lives.

Through loving yourself, your body will naturally find the comfortable weight YOU were meant to be, the foods that are right for YOU, and YOUR right processes for managing stress, making you feel confident and ready to tackle the world!

Are You Ready to live a normal, healthy life without PCOS getting in the way?

Group coaching may be right for you if…
You want to heal your PCOS but are not sure if a one-on-one program is right for you yet.
You want a more affordable option versus working one-on-one.
You need more support and accountability than just doing the 6-week course on your own.

You may not be a good fit for this program if…
You’re just looking for a quick fix or diet.
 You follow a restrictive diet or have multiple special dietary needs.
You don’t work well in a group setting.
You have a complicated case or need more personalized support or accountability.
You’re not able to commit to being an active participant in at least 4 of the 6 coaching calls.


The coaching calls are not recorded due to the sensitive nature of the calls. 

You have lifetime access to the course as long as course exists. 

 "It's very clear that Dr. Jen has extensive knowledge and experience in the area of women's health. But perhaps better yet, she has maintained a clear passion for helping women heal their hormone imbalances. After 20 years in the medical field, this is very hard to find. I feel confident that what she shares in the course is shared from the perspective from a caring and reliable expert." 

Katie, recent participant

Course Pricing

Heal Your PCOS Course

$297 USD
Buy Now